Ute Aurand

About the artist

Ute Aurand, born in 1957 in Frankfurt/Main. From 1979 – 1985 studied filmmaking at the German Film and Television Academy in Berlin, from 1981 producing her own films. 1990 – 95 she created the series “Filmarbeiterinnen-Abend” at the Arsenal cinema, Berlin, featuring mostly experimental films made by women. 1997 –2007 she was co-founder of the monthly “Filmsamstag” (Film Saturday) programmes (www.filmsamstag.de). Teaching experience (selection): 1997 – 99 and 2002/2003 “Experimental film class” at the Hochschule für Gestaltung, Zurich. In 2001, 2002 and 2004 extended periods in India. May/June 2009 film tour in Japan, (i.a. Waseda University, Tokio, Museum of Modern Art, Yokohama, 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa).

Lisbeth (2012)
Susan (2012)
In die Erde gebaut (2008)
Hier ist es zur Zeit sehr schön (2006)
Halbmond für Margaret (2004)
Kleine Blumen, kleine Blätter (1995)
Feucht-trocken-warm-kalt-Island (1987)
Schweigend ins Gespräch vertieft (1980)
