Paweł Kulik

About the artist

Paweł Kulik (born 1958). In 1996 he made his film début, “Woda” (“Water”). His first films were made in cooperation with painters from Szczecin. His independent video art “Dwa” represented Polish film at the Videofest festival in Berlin (1994). In 2014 he was nominated for the Polish-German Journalism Award for his film “Strands of one plait.”


Sploty jednego warkocza (2012)
Dyfuzja (2010)
Festiwal Muzyczny – Trzęsacz (2005)
Stanisław Lem – Kosmos Literacki (2002)
Manfred Schatz – fascynacja ruchem (2000)
Współpraca Uniwersytetów w Szczecinie i Greifswaldzie (2000)
Złodroże – Britta Wuttke (1999)
Chirurg, Erka, Indianin, Komandosi (1998-1999)
Woda (1996)

Past events
