
The sociological and social profile of the OFFicyna Association operates in a filed of history, society and broadly understood everyday culture, has many educational and semi-professional features. Hence, the obvious regular workshop activity, ranging from the classes in a filed of space architecture and social art, through classical forms (art, music) to recycling, dance theatre, graffiti or butoh workshops. Nowadays, the most of our attention is focused on the subject of film, i.a. in a form of stop-motion animation workshops or journalism workshops. The recipients of our actions are mainly children and adolescents, but each year we also try to prepare some offer to seniors.

The OFFicyna Association organized, among others the following workshops:- Warsztaty tribalowe'19

Warsztaty animacji poklatkowej '19

Warsztaty rozwoju osobowościowego'19

Warsztaty filmowe'18

Warsztaty tańców tribalowych'18

Warsztaty muzyczne z Marcinem Prążyńskim'18

Warsztaty dziennikarskie i filmowe '17

Warsztaty Telefon Art '16