A portrayal of a young man (Jerzy Orłowski) who is missing both his hands. The camera records his behaviour in different circumstances. In spite of his cruel disability, the man is full of zest for life, he gets by in every situation, he is the master of his body.
Source: filmpolski.pl
- A Few Stories About Man / Kilka opowieści o człowieku, 14'
POL 1983, 19'
- Georg Philipp Telemann’s travels from Żary to Pszczyna, 14'
POL 1974, 14'
A film diary from the journey in the footsteps of a German composer who in 1704 came to the manor house of Graf Erdmann in Żary and from there he went for a short stay to Pszczyna.
Source: filmpolski.plAuthors:
- Fencer / Fechtmistrz, 12'
POL 1980, 12'
A multidimensional story about Władysław Kurpiewski, who devoted all his life to fencing and raising new generations of Polish Olympians.
Source: filmpolski.plAuthors:
- The Cross and the Axe / Krzyż i topór, 14'
POL 1972, 14'
A reflective story about the history and present day of the Krzyżtopór castle in Ujazd.
Source: filmpolski.plAuthors:
- A Dream / Sen, 8'
POL 1986, 8'
The filmmaker’s subjective view on the creative work of another artist – distinguished painter Zdzisław Beksiński.
- Olympics / Olimpiada, 17'
POL 1978, COL, DOC, OS, 17'
A film made during the junior ski competition in Zakopane reflects the atmosphere of the first sport struggles – the first losses, the first taste of victory, and the bitterness of failure. Children, cheered on by adults, give up their carefree pastimes to take part in “adult” competition.
Source: filmpolski.plAuthors:
- The Cross and the Axe / Krzyż i topór, 14'
POL 1972, 14'
A reflective story about the history and present day of the Krzyżtopór castle in Ujazd.
Source: filmpolski.plAuthors: