To the Movies Together: Polish-German Foundation for Co-operation

16.11.2012, Friday, 13:00
Teatr Kana, pl. Świętego Piotra i Pawła 4/5 (where is that?)
Blok tematyczny:

A night at the gallery – dusting off the way we speak about Polish-German history

The “A night at the gallery” project of the Polish-German Foundation for Co-operation presents a new look at the Polish-German neighbourhood. Similarly to the 2011 “Side by Side Poland – Germany. A 1000 Years of Art and History” exhibition in Berlin, which served as inspiration for the project, the film abandons the hitherto prevailing Polish-German historical narration and attempts to deconstruct myths.

The creators of the script, Michał Wójcik and Michał Łubieński:
“Polish-German history can be talked about in a different way, and it is worth doing so. Not in order to forget or erase the past. The change in narration is needed for this memory to last and still mean something for the new generations. On the other hand, however – perhaps it is time to say this out loud at last – war cannot infinitely determine our memory of Polish-German relations.”
The project is aimed mainly at the youth. Its partners include: Polish-German Youth Office, History Meeting House, TVP2, the TVN24 portal, and the monthly “Znak,” “Focus Historia” and “Mówią Wieki.”


how to get there
