Common Borders

16.11.2012, Friday, 09:00
Uniwersytet Szczeciński, Krakowska 71-79 (where is that?)
Blok tematyczny: Common Borders

The European Film Festival for Documentaries dokumentART is a transfrontier festival. It is organised by Germans and Poles together, in Polish-German borderlands. Issues of identity (national, cultural, and social) and those of boundaries (existing on maps, and in human awareness, which are crossed, cultivated, questioned, created, demolished, and redefined) are on one hand daily bread for the people living in the borderlands, but also a never-ending challenge on the other. The question we want to pose as a part of the Common Borders film presentation and discussion panel at this year's dokumentART festival is: what are boundaries, both territorial and mental ones, for people living in Middle Europe at the beginning of the 21st century? The starting point of the discussion will be the screening of the documentary film “Across the Border.” It was made in 2004, when the European Union accepted new countries, including 5 from Central Europe: the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Hungary. Renown documentalists from this region of Europe – Paweł Łoziński, Jan Gogola, Peter Kerekes, Róbert Lakatos, Biljana Čakič-Veselič – presented their view on boundaries, both territorial and mental, in five film episodes.


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