Sokol Keraj

About the artist

Born in 1976 in Lac, Albania. Director, writer, producer. Academic information: 1996–2000 Film Direction in National University of Theatre and Film “I.L. Caragiale”, Bucharest, Romania. 2001–2002 Masters in Film and Advertising Aesthetics at the same university. Between 2004–2009 University Lecturer at different Universities in Bogotá, Colombia. Since 2009 Doctoral student in Media Studies in the University of Bayreuth, Germany.

The last day of Loro Shestani (2011)
Fragile (2000)
Diabolique 3 (1999)
Y2K (1998)
Once upon a time… (1998)
After 9 months (1997)
The slave (1996)
