Lew Hohmann

About the artist

German documentary filmmaker, director, screenwriter, member of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Dokumentarfilm. He made over 50 documentary films, mainly for television. Born in 1944 in Schmiedeberg (Polish: Kowary); graduated from mechanical engineering in Chemnitz as well as directing at the Konrad Wolf Academy for Film and Television (HFF) in Potsdam-Babelsberg. For 20 years has worked as author and director of documenatary films for DEFA. 1991–1997 chairman and producer at the “Tele Potsdam” production company. As author and director he specialises in historical documenatary films. Academic lecturer on media at the Leipzig University, at the Anhalt University of Applied Sciences, and as professor at the Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences. Currently works as filmmaker, author of scripts and advertisements; multiple nominee for the Adolf-Grimme-Preis award.

Graf Luckner (2008)
Alfred Brehm (2007)
Reinhard Heydrich (2006)
Hugo Junkers (2005)
J.S. Bach (2004)
Martin Luther – Ein Leben Zwischen Gott Und Teufel (2003)
Deutsche & Polen (2001)
Die Preussen – Chronik (2000)
