VIII międzynarodowy festiwal Π Performance Intermedia to działanie w rzeczywistym miejscu i czasie. Nocne prezentacje publiczne w Muzeum Narodowym, wirtualna przemiana Willi Lentza, wieczór intermedialny w Polskim Radiu Szczecin, prezentacje video art wybranych twórców z całego świata, kilkudniowe działania artystyczne w tramwajach na bazie projektu „Mój tramwaj” z 1980 r., rozbudowane sympozjum łączące teorię z praktyką, będące efektem współpracy europejskiej grupy projektowej „Performance Eskalation”, promocja młodych artystów i warsztaty to kompleksowy opis dzisiejszego stanu sztuki performance i intermediów – i święto wszystkich uczestniczących, aż po kulminację we wspólnym Π_party w tramwaju.

Jörn J. Burmester DE
*1962. He is a performance artist, art organizer, and writer. Burmester studied Applied Theatre Studies in Gießen and in New York. While most of his collaborative work explores socio-political processes, he concentrates on notions of spirituality, reduction and narration in his recent solo works. Burmester is a founding member and curator of Performer Stammtisch (, a network of live art practicioners in Berlin, he curates and hosts the bi-monthly series "Burmester und Feigl zeigen Performancekunst" at Volksbühne Berlin with Florian Feigl, and performs with Henrik Vestergaard Pedersen as the epic disco duo "Das Prinzip" (
Enrico Centonze CH
*1981. He graduated in Fine Arts at Camberwell College of Art and Middlesex University London. He got his MA in Culture Management at the University of Basel. Since 2008 he has been working within public space, with events such as "Everybody Wants Gold" at the Berlin Reichstag; "Kunst ist Super" at the Art Basel; "Eat Gold" at the Royal Bank of England. He has participated in collaborative exhibitions such as “Jeune Creation” at 104 in Paris; “New Era“ at the Tina B Festival in Prague; “Gedanken-zur-revolution” in Leipzig; “Ours: Democracy in the Age of Branding” at the Vera List Center for Art and Politics in New York; “Revolution cannot be curated” at White Space in Zürich. He lives and works in Berlin and Switzerland.
C.H. District PL
Since 1998, Mirosław Matyasik – under the name of C.H. District – has been merging traditions of industrial music with modern “intelligent electronic” productions. As a music producer, he has worked with theatre, performance and video art groups, such as Suka Off (awarded for the "Matryca-Hardware" soundtrack at Łódzkie Spotkania Teatralne 2002). Since 2002 he has been releasing records under the French label M-Tronic. He has performed at festivals all over Europe (e.g. Industrial Festival, France; Forma Nova Festival, Denmark; Torture Garden, UK) and has his music was featured on many compilations. He is one of the originators of the Nowa Muzyka Festival.
Florian Feigl DE
*1970. Florian Feigl is a performance artist. He creates and realizes performance art work since 1997. Besides his solo work Feigl collaborates with various artists and artists' collectives (Wagner-Feigl-Forschung/Festspiele, Jörn J. Burmester). Feigl co-organizes the monthly performance art event “Performer Stammtisch” in Berlin with Janine Eisenächer and Jörn J. Burmester. Together with Jörn J. Burmester, he is also curator of the performance art event “Burmester und Feigl zeigen Performancekunst” at Volksbühne (Berlin).
Andrés Galeano ES
*1980 in Spain. He studied philosophy at the Universidad de Barcelona and photography at the Freie Fotoschule of Stuttgart, as well as Fine Arts at the Accademia di Belle Arti di Bologna and the Kunsthochschule Weissensee in Berlin. He works with drawing, photography, video, and performance. He has exhibited his work in Germany, Spain, Italy, Poland, the Czech Republic, Greece, and France. He is currently curator of the Extension Series, a performance art program at the Grim Museum in Berlin. He plays with the performance as a social moment and subverts its conventional structures and rules by directly provoking the audience. He uses the power of the moment to create situations that raise philosophical issues and poetical experiment which can be transposed into daily life.
Alexandra Gneissl DE
The performative work of Alexandra Gneissl encompasses live presentations, series of photography, and video work. Referring to the passing of real time in a specific space, she tackles complex social issues in her productions. Much of her work arises from a specific female standpoint. Alexandra Gneissl also discusses the issue of „what is the aftermath of a performance?” Apart from her own artistic activity, she organizes performance art events and festivals.
Rachel Gomme UK
She works in performance and installation, exploring matters of time, process, and being as physically experienced by both performer and viewer. Her works range from durational performance to site-specific installation art, video, and sound. audience is a series of projects focusing on time and space, phenomena conventionally perceived in terms of absence or lack (other works deal with stillness and waiting). Rachel has presented her work, performed and taught throughout and outside of the UK.
Anja Ibsch DE
*1968, lives in Berlin and Cologne. Anja Ibsch has been actively working as an artist and curator in the areas of performance and installation since 1993. She creates intense works that explore personal, cultural and social aspects of human presence while researching the endurance and tolerance levels of her body. Frequently inspired by myths of sainthood, sacrifice and release, her work emphasizes and extends connections between her body and the earth. She has performed in Europe, Asia, and Canada. "I do performance art, because this is the only way to express, what I want to express. If I could say it in another way, it would be useless to do it any longer."
Antoni Karwowski PL
Studied fine arts at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. Artistic acitivity includes: performance, installation art, video art, visual poetry. Organizer, curator, and participant of numerous international projects. „Performance art enables me to play with time in a fascinating way. It gives you a sense of catching it and influencing past events, modifying them, tearing them away from <<the source>>, building new configurations, and transferring them into real-life space. I seek to redefine these events, find the form and place assigned by the original idea, intuition, and carnal biology”.
Sylwester Łuczak PL
His domain is movies, photography, slide and video projections, and above all – merging these disciplines when implementing set design, installations and multimedia projections, performance, and visuals for concerts, theatre, artistic events and festivals. He has carried out, on his own and in cooperation with other artists, several dozen projects of various nature – from experimental artistic projects to large commercial productions. He holds multimedia workshops for children and youth, and cooperates with DJs as a VJ.
Bartosz Łukasiewicz PL
*1981. He is no artist, or at least he doesn't like to call himself one. He is familiar with the milieu but doesn't identify with it. The purpose of his work is creating and exchange of information in communication processes that occur between ordinary people. He explores this area on each and every level of his work: performance art, installation art, critique, theory, and design.
Karolina Śmiech PL
*1983. A graduate of the psychology department at the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw. Life partner of Bartosz Łukasiewicz and the only woman able to put up with him on a daily basis (apart from their daughter, Hania). Her participation in the ? festival is her artistic debut
Nieżytboy PL
Nieżytboy (Maciej Cybulski) is closely connected with the heaviest and the abstract forms of electronic music as an artist, event organizer, publisher, and journalist. An advocate of D.I.Y. and staunch opponent of the old, anachronistic order regarding copyright law, and the present-day remains of Soviet mentality. Since 2008 he has been active within the ranks of the OFFicyna Association. A graduate of political science and media expert. Tags: mpe front, audioautopsja, turn it off recordz, subeclectic records, coredukacja, rombanka sound system.
Zbigniew Oleszyński PL
The viciousness of fate.
Human emotion.
Their arrangement: enchants? Fascinates?
Observes reality.
On occasion, creates items which become a tiny element of this reality.
A ticket to ”Mój tramwaj” will be one of them.
Irene Pascual ES
*1976. Coming from a multidisciplinary background Irene Pascual’s work faces the crossovers and the contradictions of the different languages: body, new media, visual arts, object, concept and theory. She is founder and part of the Berlin based performance group Invalid Address. Currently, Pascual is organizing a Performance and Videoart Festival in Werkstatt der Kulturen / Berlin and co-organizing the European Live Art Archive (ELAA) project.
Andrzej Pawełczyk PL
*1964. Graduated at the Academy of Fine Arts in Łódź in 1992. A performance artist, architect, curator and organizer of artistic events. In his Art he touches upon issues regarding identity and social functions of art on a cultural borderline.
Johannes Lothar Schröder DE
His research refers to art-history and visual arts. His main area of work is the recycling of a vast archive comprised of objects, performance, and installations modelled on 'Relic-Lounge.' The prototypes have been realized during the last decade at in Salzau, leading to 'Architexture' (PR, Vol. 11, No.3). He is co-editor of the 'journal oriental' ( and has written on artists such as Umberto Boccioni, Paul McCarthy and Tatsumi Orimoto. He is a member of PSi (Performance Studies International) and board member of Einstellungsraum ( in Hamburg.
Natalia Szostak PL/US
The constant shift in her geographical location as well as the separation from her native roots have compelled her to explore the themes of origin and identity through the visual media.
*1980, Szczecin. She earned a BA in painting and drawing at San Francisco State University in 2007, and two years later won the Emerging Artist Special Award at the International Art competition held by X-Power Gallery in Los Angeles. She currently lives in Szczecin and New York. Her work includes painting, photography, video, and various mixed media. It has been shown in San Francisco, Seattle, New York and London.
Anke Trojan DE
*1981. She has been working as a freelance filmmaker and editor since 2005. She studied at Middlesex University for a BA in Fine Arts. Anke Trojan is currently enrolled in the MA media design programme at the Bauhaus University in Weimar. She is also a video-activist, taking part in street art interventions, documenting and interviewing the public, seizing the moment of interaction and the given situation's specificity.
Bartosz Wójcik PL
Author of ideas. Chief and curator of place of art OFFicyna in Szczecin. Has held presentations in Poland, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Germany, Austria, Mexico, the Czech Republic, Denmark, France, and Italy. Deals with issues of paradoxes regarding civilization, culture, and identity. He creates anti-artistic frames for artistic projects whose final form is shaped by others, mostly non-artists. At present, he is reconstructing the old-Szczecin cult of Sedina.
Zombie PL
Over a decade, Zombie (Szymon Karpierz) has released two vinyls under the French label Rest In Pieces and three albums through LAIF, as well as dozens of net-labelled productions and audio collaborations encompassing various genres. Professionally, he has – among other things – managed a bicycle courier service, and has produced soundtracks to computer games and porn movies. He is currently in charge of his own two programmes in the local SZCZECIN.FM radio, organizes an array of recurrent musical events, produces computer game and short film soundtracks, and holds DJ-ing and production workshops for the non-wealthy.
Marek Żymła PL
A poet, translator, songandlimerickwriter, born, based 29 years in Świnoujście, happily.
Credo: no credo. Awaiting every kind of proposal.
Π_night 18.06.2010, 11.00-00.00 PM
National Museum, free entry
Matías Montarcé
“Bathroom Tale”
“Conciecia Animada”
“Pee Thoughts”
Tova Beck-Friedman
“Don’t ask”
Boris Šribar
“The cycle”
“I love you so much, I would kill for you”
Jill Epstein
“Havana drive”
“7 minutes in heaven”
Usama Alshaibi
“My Third Painting”
Mladen Miljanovic
“Bad resolution fuck”
“Assumption of responsibility”
Gillian McIver
“Iron Abstracts (Blue)”
“The First Experimental City”
Phillip Barker
“I Am Always Connected”
Alec Crichton
Thomas Porett
"Intersections #1"
"Shadow Walking"
Takahiro Hirata
"The trans"
Mikey Peterson
“Cityscape #1”
Ronald Knots
Noah Klersfeld
“Attention Span”
“Split Decision”
Zlatko Cosic
Pamela Vitale
“Obtention study 02”
Doris Neidl
“I am and I am not”
“If this is a man”
Hilla Steinert
Jörn J. Burmester
Florian Feigl
Alexandra Gneissl
Johannes L. Schröder
Irene Pascual
Anja Ibsch
Andrés Galeano
18.06.2010 - FRIDAY Szczecin
12.00-4.00 PM public space down town and in Niebuszewo - Π_workshop presentation
Ala Dopierała
Ewa Dajer
Michał Szarko
12.00-2.00 PM tram 12: My tram
Antoni Karwowski
Marek Żymła
Zbigniew Oleszyński
2.00-6.00 PM Culture’s Observatory
Rachel Gomme
8.00-10.00 Villa August Lentz
Sylwester Łuczak
Bartosz Wójcik
Natalia Szostak
Perzy Jutrament
11.00 PM-1.00 AM National Museum:
11.00-0.00 PM - Π_five
Alec Crichton
Boris Šribar
Doris Neidl
Gillian McIver
Hilla Steinert
Jill Epstein
Matias Montarcé
Mikey Peterson
Mladen Miljanovic
Noah Klersfeld
Pamela Vitale
Phillip Barker
Ronald Knots
Takahiro Hirata
Thomas Porett
Tova Beck-Friedman
Usama Alshaibi
Zlatko Cosic
0.00-1.00 AM performance art / intermedia
Florian Feigl
Alexandra Gneissl
Johannes L. Schröder
Irene Pascual
Bartosz Wójcik
Antoni Karwowski
Andrzej Pawełczyk
Andrés Galeano
Anja Ibsch
Bartosz Łukasiewicz
19.06.2010 - SATURDAY
10.00 AM-7.00 PM Culture’s Observatory:
Π_symposium (break 2.00-3.00 PM)
12.00-4.00 PM public space down town and in Niebuszewo - Π_workshop prezentacje presentation:
Ala Dopierała
Ewa Dajer
Michał Szarko
12.00-8.00 PM tram 7: My tram
Enrico Centonze
Anke Trojan
12.00-2.00 PM tram 7: My tram
Andrés Galeano
Bartosz Łukasiewicz & Karolina Śmiech
2.00-6.00 PM Culture’s Observatory
Rachel Gomme
8.00-10.00 PM Polish Radio Szczecin Studio S1: presentation
Rachel Gomme
Nieżytboy / Zombie
Wielkopomorska Wytwórnia Filmowa (bonus act)
20.06.10 - SUNDAY
12.00-2.00 PM
tram 3: Our tram
head of the festival
Bartosz Wójcik
festival team
Maciej Cybulski
Dana Jesswein
Agnieszka Walancik
Joanna Wójcik
Sylwia Kwaśna
Paulina Stok–Stocka
Tomasz Jóźwiak
Jörn J. Burmester
Antoni Karwowski PL
Bartosz Wójcik PL
Andreas Guskos
Wielkopomorska Wytwórnia Filmowa
the OFFicyna Association
Performer Stammtisch Berlin DE
Schloss Bröllin DE
Szczecin 2016
Miasto Szczecin
partners and sponsors
Konsorcjum Gastronomiczne Golema i Partnerzy
Muzeum Narodowe w Szczecinie
Tramwaje Szczecińskie
Polskie Radio Szczecin
Hotel Victoria
media patrons
Polskie Radio Szczecin
Środek Miasta
TVP3 S.A. Szczecin
Echo Szczecin
Muzeum Narodowe w Szczecinie, Wały Chrobrego 3
Schloss Bröllin e.V, Bröllin 3
downtown trams
Polskie Radio Szczecin, Wojska Polskiego 73
Willa Lentza, Wojska Polskiego 84
Obserwatorium Europejski Regionu Kultury, Wojska Polskiego 90
Stowarzyszenie OFFicyna
ul. Wojska Polskiego 90
70 – 482 Szczecin
tel./fax +48.91.4236901
gg 5955635