Was Macht Die Konkurrenz: Das 9. Internationale Filmfestival in Eberswalde - Provinziale

14.11.2012, Wednesday, 14:30
Akademia Sztuki, pl. Orła Białego 2 (Gdzie to jest?)
Blok tematyczny: Was macht die Konkurrenz

9th Eberswalde International Film Festival
Province | Films for the province – films about the province
6th–13th October 2012

We all have our own fate. It does not matter whether you live in Shanghai or Trampe. From the day you were born to the day you die you come across disappointment and fulfilment, you stand in the first or the last row, you look for happiness and find life. Films at the Province Festival show just that, and in an assertive way: leaving out the experience of wars and catastrophes – it is impossible to say which place is better.

Provinces, however, are under pressure, their civil-social weaknesses make them susceptible to any possible kind of abuse. However, they can still surprise. In spaces so far from one another there still are cultures full of incredible life force.

Ecology, economy, even freedom and law are doing poorly in places where there are only few inhabitants, but which provide food and energy for everybody. It does not mean that the inhabitants of these areas also hold our fate in their hands. They can only learn about the processes of our times and describe them, as well as try to keep and protect their space for their own vision of life.

Currently there is no medium that would support communication in these regards. With great interest and engagement, both teams and individuals go to provincial areas and accompany the people who live there in order to understand their experiences and share them with us.

This is the idea of the Province Festival: it is not about filling any niche, but about creating an indispensible bond that will connect Shanghai and Trampe. Many films are made here, and very good ones – short and long, animations and documentaries.

The festival will present 65 productions chosen by program committees of particular genres. The program of the 9th Eberswalde International Film Festival will include documentaries, short feature films, and animations. Representatives of over 50 nations will be taking part in the contest, divided into categories. Filmmakers will receive awards amounting to almost 9,000 €.

Another highlight of the festival, next to the presented films, will consist of concerts, evenings with authors, multimedia presentations, and evening talks in the festival club, as well as other events from the program.


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