Short films from Europe and around the world

The Goethe Institutes of Lyon and Munich, the KurzFilmAgentur
Hamburg, the German Short Film Association, German Films
as well as the Clermont-Ferrand Short Film Festival have joined
forces to form a German-French co-operative venture. From the
continuously growing number of German entries submitted to the
festival in Clermont-Ferrand, the partners put together a short film
program entitled “Soirée Allemande – A Crush on German Short
Films” every year.
Following its premiere during the Short Film Festival in Clermont-
Ferrand, the program is touring Goethe-Institutes and festivals
worldwide with German, English and French subtitles.
Since 2006, the Soirée Allemande is an annual project with
increasing response, and has become one of the most important
projects for the AG Kurzfilm.

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